A pool is a must here in AZ!

That's right cat....you've been replaced!

Hi- I'm Sam
I was born in Tempe Az on 4/11/98 and moved to Avondale with my new family that summer. I am a miniature schnauzer. That means I am a very smart and handsome guy. If you don't believe me, just check out some of the schnauzer links listed below. You will see that schnauzers are where it's at!

playing tackle or hide n seek with my boy, Myles
beating up on Patches the cat but I never bother Baby, the other cat!!
tearing up my stuffed newspapers
chasing bugs or lizards
sleeping with my head on a pillow
My new little (big) brother Gino

My toe nails cut
Being put out when company comes
Being rudely awakened and put outside
When everyone is going out and they leave me home~ GRRRR
did I mention being put OUT???

My cousins~ they aren't schnauzers but I still love them!

That's me with my kids Christmas 98.